Blog 4. Fish in the Dog tank
Each time I paint a picture that I get to what I would term as “the end of it”, that I'm happy with, a keeper. I'm faced with the inevitable question of “so... where am I going to put this one?”
Blog 3. Inside the dog, inside the Fishtank
These titles aren't going to get increasingly more complicated, that's for flippin' sure. There's me thinking i can just bang one of these out on the fly, hang on a mo....Here we go..ahem.
Blog 2. The Dog in the Fishtank
I'm in hurry. Mildly I'm panicking (internally) that if I don't get out all the ideas floating around in my head then they'll disappear, never to be thought of again and somehow that's a bad thing. Is it though? Does it really matter if a seemingly "good" idea goes back into the jelly?
Blog 1. Inside the Fishtank
This can be the beginning, a blog about my artwork, what I think not so much about art in general but more so about art as a process. I mean why bother? How to bother if you really can't stop yourself? Where does it come from this art stuff?